Ringless voicemail is a mobile marketing practice in which a robocall places an advertisement into a user's voicemail without calling that person. The result is that when the user checks their voicemail, it will contain the "ringless voicemail" advertisement despite that person never having been called. The automated message can be delivered to landlines and mobiles. Only certain providers have the technology to deliver directly into a landline.
Video Ringless voicemail
United States
Pending a specific decision, there is disagreement on whether existing regulations under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) apply to ringless voicemail. The argument against is that the user does not receive an incoming call, thus the practice is not intrusive. The argument for such regulation is that the result is the same as for a robocall.
Various State attorneys general in the United States claimed that ringless voicemails were a type of robocall and should be under robocall restrictions.
The Republican Party and the United States Chamber of Commerce favor granting business more power to send ringless voicemail to people.
The National Consumer Law Center says that ringless voicemail is bad for consumers.
Maps Ringless voicemail
Source of the article : Wikipedia